The young dead Soldiers

The young dead soldiers do not speak.
Nevertheless they are heard in the still houses. (Who has not heard them?)....
They say: We were young. We have died. Remember us.
They say: We have done what we could But until it is finished it is not done.
They say: We have given our lives But until it is finished no one can know what our lives gave.
They say: Our deaths are not ours, They are yours, They will mean what you make them.
They say: Whether our lives, and our deaths were for peace and a new hope Or for nothing We cannot say. It is you who must say this.
They say: We leave you our deaths, Give them their meaning.

by Archibald MacLeish

In memoriam of my father

Wolfgang Kirstein
An der Bleiche 5
D-38685 Langelsheim
Tel.: +49(0)5326 / 93963

In Gedenken an Willi Haupt
